47 |
How can I prevent grouping by a specified column
46 |
How can I sort alphabetically the columns to be displayed in the context menu/floating panel
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotBarVisible = 69595 && PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarContextSortAscending Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoUpdate Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatContent Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAllowValues Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarShowTotals Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarAutoFit Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarSizable Or PivotBarVisibleEnum.exPivotBarVisible .PivotColumnsSortOrder = 1 .PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = .T. endwith |
45 |
How can I prevent dropping data to the control
44 |
Is it possible to allow incremental filtering on drop down filter window too, as I can on the control menus
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotRows = "0" .DisplayFilterList = 42272 && FilterListEnum.exHideFilterPattern Or FilterListEnum.exFilterListDefault endwith |
43 |
How can I prevent showing the Filter For field in the drop down filter window
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotRows = "0" .DisplayFilterList = 42272 && FilterListEnum.exHideFilterPattern Or FilterListEnum.exFilterListDefault endwith |
42 |
How can I display the numeric columns only when selecting a new aggregate, like SUM
41 |
How can I add a value column
40 |
I would like to always have the subtotals in the same row of the "father row". Could that be done
39 |
Is there any way, when I change the filter of the column, it broadcast the filter to the other pivot columns that were duplicated
38 |
How can I summarize more fields in the same cell
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotRows = "0,2" .ShowBranchRows = 2 .PivotColumns = "sum(5)/12,count(5)/12" .ShowViewCompact = 3 endwith |
37 |
How do I programmatically group by rows, in a compact way, no hierarchy lines
36 |
How do I programmatically group by rows
35 |
How do I programmatically group by columns
34 |
How can I hide the add new button on the pivot bar
33 |
Is it possible to show the data that generated the result, when double clicking the row
32 |
Does your control support subscript or superscript, in HTML captions
with thisform.Pivot1 .HeaderHeight = 22 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .DataColumns.Item("ShipCountry").Caption = "ShipCountry<font ;7><off 6><sha ;;0>subscript" .DataColumns.Item("ShipRegion").Caption = "ShipRegion<font ;7><off -6><sha ;;0>superscript" .Refresh endwith |
31 |
Is it possible to define a different background color for the pivot bar
with thisform.Pivot1 .Object.Background(97) = RGB(240,240,240) endwith |
30 |
How can I display an icon/image to Content sub-menu
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") var_s = "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql" var_s = var_s + "Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0" var_s = var_s + "ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN" var_s = var_s + "AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA=" .Images(var_s) .FormatContents.Item("numeric").Name = "<img>1</img> Numeric" .PivotRows = "5[content=numeric]" endwith |
29 |
How can I change the selection background in the control's context menu
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .Object.Background(20) = RGB(255,0,0) endwith |
28 |
How can I display the column as date in a long format
27 |
Is it possible to display the column in upper-case
26 |
How can I programatically bold a column
25 |
How can I display the total with a different foreground color
with thisform.Pivot1 .FormatAppearances.Add("fore").ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0) .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotRows = "0" .PivotColumns = "sum(5)" .PivotTotals = "sum[fore,bold]" endwith |
24 |
How can I display the total with a different background color/ebn
with thisform.Pivot1 .VisualAppearance.Add(1,"c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn") .FormatAppearances.Add("back").BackColor = 0x1000000 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotRows = "0" .PivotColumns = "sum(5)" .PivotTotals = "sum[back]" endwith |
23 |
How can I display the total with a solid background color
with thisform.Pivot1 .FormatAppearances.Add("back").BackColor = RGB(240,240,240) .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotRows = "0" .PivotColumns = "sum(5)" .PivotTotals = "sum[back]" endwith |
22 |
Is it possible to change the "bold" caption in the control's context menu
21 |
Is it possible to show no Exclude field in the filter window
20 |
How can I prevent showing the drop down filter button
19 |
How do I get the count of positive values only
18 |
How do I get the sum for negative values only
17 |
My data stores the data as strings, is it possible to load the data using Import method
16 |
Is it possible to load data using different separators
15 |
Is it possible to align a column
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") with .DataColumns.Item(0) .Alignment = 2 .HeaderAlignment = 2 endwith .Refresh endwith |
14 |
How can I change by code the column/rows background color
13 |
How can I apply by code any appearance to my list
with thisform.Pivot1 .BeginUpdate .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotRows = "0[italic]" .PivotColumns = "count(0)[underline]" .PivotTotals = "count[bold,strikeout]" .EndUpdate endwith |
12 |
How can I display an icon instead SUM/Total field
with thisform.Pivot1 .BeginUpdate var_s = "gBJJgBggAAwAAgACEKAD/hz/EMNh8TIRNGwAjEZAEXjAojJAjIgjIBAEijUlk8plUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql" var_s = var_s + "Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9oEEwGBwWDwmFw2Hw9+xUsxGNx2Px+LyUnyGVy2VyeZAGNjIJjITjIb0OjjGi0ukAAVj" var_s = var_s + "ILzmayWtAGejCvjLh2u3jG23O4ACx1ew11+zEYGsZZsZUe/wkZ4sYZvD4PCy8kjAzjLFjKd5WDjIz6HRvnTwUZGMZX8ZTPb8XU8Hh9cFjALjKVjK5jIv9/w9t78WdjJI" var_s = var_s + "oyWr7sKjIWu+/a8Og2QAEajLaIxAzlwhB0DwQuzoECjJWw1DiMQ3D0OgAQMKwsuj8xOy0SrzFEWMdFUExbGMCRfC8ZRswMaLsiofJVHiOo+kKRs2lL2Jsh8cyQo6Ag==" .Images(var_s) .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") with .Aggregates.Item("sum") .Name = "<img>1</img> Sum" .Caption = "<img>1</img>" endwith .PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = .T. .FormatPivotHeader = "iaggregate ? (caggregate + (iaggregate != 5 ? ' ' : '') + caption) : caption" .FormatPivotTotal = "caggregate" .PivotRows = "0" .PivotColumns = "sum(5)" .PivotTotals = "sum,count" .EndUpdate endwith |
11 |
How can I change the caption to be displayed when dragging an aggregate function
10 |
I am using Import method, just wondering if I can rename the columns
with thisform.Pivot1 .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") with .DataColumns.Item(0) .Caption = "New Caption" .PivotCaption = "New Pivot Caption" endwith .Refresh endwith |
9 |
Does your control support Fit-To-Page Print and Print Preview
8 |
How can I print the control
7 |
How can I hide the pivot bar (hide completly)
6 |
How can I hide the pivot bar (auto-hide)
5 |
How can I count and get the total of a specified column
with thisform.Pivot1 .BeginUpdate .Import("C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt") .PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible = .T. .PivotRows = "0" .PivotColumns = "sum(5)" .PivotTotals = "sum,count" .EndUpdate endwith |
4 |
How can I add show the columns once I grouped a column
3 |
How can I programatically group the columns
2 |
Is it possible to load data from a data source
with thisform.Pivot1 rs = CreateObject("ADOR.Recordset") with rs .Open("Data","Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\Access\sample.accdb",3,3) endwith .DataSource = rs endwith |
1 |
How can I load data